
AOE Build
The 4th tactic depends on your gear and renown choice. If you have high crit chance (from BIS gear and "Offensive Renown") then you should take "Stab You Gooder". If you have low crit chance (from bad gear or "Defensive Renown") you can either take "Flanking" for damage or "I'm Da Biggest!" for defense.
In general speccing renown defensively for small scale/roaming/scenarios/cities is recommended. If you play RVR in a good organized wb (with good healers and tanks) you should be speccing renown offensively .
4 Futile Strikes
4 Weaponskill
2 Crit
2 Futile Strikes
4 Weaponskill
4 Crit
Gear Progression

PvP Set (Buy boots from AH)

PvP Set (Buy boots + gloves from AH)

PvP Set (Buy boots + gloves from AH).
Optional PvE complement: 1x Beastlord (You can do it before lvl 40 for xp)

T4 (rr40 > rr80)
Conqueror (Buy boots + gloves from AH) - Don't do Gunbad, Conq is more time efficient. 
4 Sent, 3 Conq, 3 Beastlord (BL Cloak, Ring, Pocket. Sent Helmet, Shoulder, Ring, Gloves)
3 Sent, 4 Triumph, 3 Beastlord (TR Chest, TR Gloves, TR Belt, TR Boots)
4 Sov, 4 Triumph (Sov Helmet, Sov Shoulders, Sov Cloak, Sov Jewelry)
4 Sov, 5 Triumph (TR Jewelry) 5 Sov, 4 Triumph (Replace TR Chest with Sov Chest) 

Plunda (BBBE) + Some Weapon 
Plunda (BBBE) + Bloodlord Carva (BS) 
Fortress Choppa + Bloodlord Carva (BS) 

Pre 4 Sov 4 Triumph (Option 1): Beastlord Boyz Ring + Sentinel Ring + Rough Gunbad Amber + Vanguard Jewelry of Brawn (lvl 38 Green Ring from Vendor. It's good.)
Pre 4 Sov 4 Triumph (Option 2): Beastlord Boyz Ring + Sentinel Ring + Genesis Aspect + Genesis Remnant (This Option is slightly stronger at this point but you need to get genesis crests to get them)
Post 4 Sov 4 Triumph: Sovereign Ring + Sentinel Ring + Rough Gunbad Amber + Vanguard Jewelry of Brawn
Post 4 Sov 5 Triumph (Option 1): Sovereign Ring + Triumph Ring + Rough Gunbad Amber + Vanguard Jewelry of Brawn
Post 4 Sov 5 Triumph (Option 2): Sovereign Ring + Triumph Ring + Exquisite Gunbad Amber + Vale Walker Ring [This Option is better but I wouldn't recommend it, not worth the hustle]
Post Ring Event: Sovereing Ring + Triumph Ring + Onyx Ring + Onyx Ring

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